Digital print on canvas, wood, metal car 61"w 43"h 5"d
Time Traveler
My parents grew up during the Great Depression and survived World War II. How they perceived the world around them was shaped by the stories they read in newspapers. The Time Traveler here is near the end of his journey, making his way across a landscape that uses eight decades of newspaper type as visual texture.
It starts with the 1930s in the clouds. The mountains help us see the world during World War II through their eyes. The atomic blast to the right was a significant event.
The skyline features headlines from the 1950s. Vehicles criss-cross the landscape, including a 3-d car. (My family had a blue Plymouth when I was young.) Each undulation in the landscape features stories from successive decades though the 1990s. The 2000s are in the rocks in the foreground.
People today get their news and impressions of events from a multitude of sources. We can pick and choose our vision.